Writers Interest Group

Everyone has a different idea on how to preserve and share their research.  The format doesn't matter, we're here to help.

The Writers Group is unique in that we don't have speakers.  Rather, we choose pertinent topics for discussion and share what we're working on.

The Writers Group currently meets at 7pm on the first Thursday of every month.  

Questions?  Please contact Laurie Bauer at writersgroup@nyrgs.org

Upcoming  Writers Interest Group Events

RGS Writers Group

If you're trying to preserve your family history in a way others will want to read, this may be the group for you. We're nonprofessionals who want to stop procr...

RGS Writers Group

If you're trying to preserve your family history in a way others will want to read, this may be the group for you. We're nonprofessionals who want to stop procr...

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Further reading

  • Blanchard, Gill.  Writing Your Family History.  Coyden: Pen & Sword Books, 2014
  • Carmack, Sharon Debartolo.  You Can Write Your Family History.  Cincinnati: Betterway Books, 2003.
  • Hatcher, Patricia Law.  Producing a Quality Family History.  Salt Lake City: Ancestry, 2003
  • Howells, Cyndi.  Planting Your Family Tree Online: How to Create Your Own Family HIstory Web Site.  Nashville.  Rutledge Hill Press, 2003.
  • Stratton, Penelope L. and Henry B. Hoff.  Guide to Genealogical Writing. Boston: New England Genealogical Society, 2014
  • Zinsser, William.  Inventing the Truth: The Art and Craft of Memoir.  Boston: The Houghton Mifflin Company, 1987.